Digital Smile Design in Turkey
Dental Care

Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a concept used in dental practice to facilitate more effective communication between dentists and patients and to visualize the results of dental esthetics and smile design using digital technologies.

DSD allows dentists to design a smile that best suits a patient’s face by evaluating factors such as facial features, lip shape, tooth size, and color. This design is achieved using digital imaging and analysis tools.

The process of Digital Smile Design may include the following steps:

  1. Photography and videography: Photos and videos of the patient’s face and teeth are taken.
  2. Digital analysis: The collected data is analyzed using digital software and computer programs. Dentists evaluate the patient’s facial features and existing dental structure during this stage.
  3. Digital design: Based on the acquired data and analysis results, a smile design that complements the patient’s facial features and meets their preferences is created. This design is reviewed and approved collaboratively by the dentist and the patient.
  4. Mock-up application: The digital design is applied to the patient’s mouth through the use of temporary prosthetics or modeling. This step helps the patient better understand the anticipated results and express their opinions.
  5. Final application: Upon the patient’s approval of the design, the dentist proceeds with the implementation. Aesthetic dental techniques may be used to shape the teeth and utilize esthetic materials to achieve the desired smile.

Digital Smile Design provides dentists and patients with a clearer understanding and foresight into dental esthetics. This can help patients make more informed decisions about their treatment plans and enhance satisfaction. However, the appropriate treatment plan for each patient may vary based on individual needs and conditions. Therefore, consulting with a specialized dentist is always recommended.

Digital Smile Design Before & After
Digital Smile Design Before & After


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